Friday, 30 September 2011


just got back from a sporting camp for a week. it was really fun though, i played basketball and we got so flogged.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

work experince

hmmmm im currently on work experience, where you work at bussiness or for someone for a week to see what its like, i've been at my local shire........ i'm now a pro at photocoping. its amazing how much i've done, i've also been in the library puting books away is super fun......not! 
well over all its been kind of fun

Saturday, 17 September 2011


So just went shopping for some heels. Gosh who doesn't love shopping the only problem with my new killer cute heels is they r very high! And now I have to learn walk in them and dance cause Im wearin them to a disco/dance. So can't wait, so have you people have like balls or proms ? My school dnt have one so all the girls get too exited for this disco! Lol

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

friend fights

dont you just hate it when your friends fight? and then some how they get you involved when you did nothing? yer it sucks. its happening to me right now:( but hey lets hope they can get over it.
<3 kia

Thursday, 1 September 2011

selamat sore

selamat sore,
nama saya freya dan ini blog saya. just saw that some people from malaysia have looked at my blog. i learn indonesain which is very close to the malay. I thought i'd just say hi to them:) for those who do not speak indonesain it says: my name is freya and this is my blog.
saya cintamu (i love you)